Wednesday, April 2, 2008


More and more each day the kids and I are getting into a routine. The babies go down for a solid nap in the morning so today the kids and I went outside for 10 minutes, it was really windy so we came inside. I am looking forward to many nice days that we all can be outside. Being in the routine of things, Steven was working late last night (clocked 15 hours yesterday) so I single handily gave 5 kids baths and it went off without a hitch. I didn't even feel like I need a drink afterwards. However Mr. Simon wanted some love and cried every time I put him down and Emma would then cry because I wasn't picking her up. So I call reinforcement a.k.a. Grandma Alexia to help with bedtime routine because if I don't do it just right they ruggers don't go to sleep well at all, no drop and runs at this house.

Today I made brownies, and washed 4 loads of laundry, made supper and the day isn't even done. All and all life is easier since I have been at home. No panics of what is for supper, no have to do laundry I am out of underwear, no hurry up and take a bath. I don't have moments were it would be nice to be at work so I could just focus on me however I will have my turn this summer when I pick up some days.

Oh something I found cute, since I have been stepping up on the oral hygiene so have the kids. Jacob and Julia call dental floss, "dentist floss" too cute to correct. I tried and Julia said, "no it is dentist floss because they use it at the dentist.

1 comment:

Sweet Mary Sunshine said...

You are the queen of multitasking!