Sunday, March 30, 2008

Washer workout

Well our wash machine has gotten a work out this weekend since Lois and Jacob had the stomach flu. Do they make wash machines with garbage disposales? Both vomited only twice and nobody else got it (yet). Jacob informed our teenage babysitter "Kaylee vomit is disgusting." (little does he know cleaning it up is the also very disgusting) Only a child can puke and immediately act like nothing ever happened. Today Lois was begging for food and "waa-wee" water and I was reluctant. I gave Julia a small breakfast and told her that she would probably vomit so lets make it something small, an hour later she said to me, "Mom I haven't puked yet and I am still hungry can I please have some more food." How pitiful.

Simon and Emma are getting easier to get to bed. Here is how great it is lay Emma in her car seat, that's the end... Simon we still rock the car seat and then we transfer them both to the crib.

Speaking of bedtimes: Julia is going to bed so well these days. I am reading a book from a fellow twin mom and the strategies work. we do quiet time were we speak quietly, a rigid routine and read a book or tell story of when Steven and I were dating. She has only once in the last few weeks gotten out of her bed with some lame excuses. Julia was so sweet tonight she said to Steven, "can I still sit on you lap even though it is quiet time."

Growing up: Jacob said him and Steven are going to be firemen when he gets bigger, he thinks his dad is cool, how great. Julia put a load on laundry in the wash and transferred it to the dryer without being asked. She was excited to fold it and put it away however it was bedtime. Oh how disappointing, she recovered quickly when I told her we can do more laundry tomorrow.

It is amazing to me how every day I am more in love with Steven and memories without him seem like a distant past. We have almost known each other for 11 years. He is my best friend and am so lucky to have him. When he proposed to me he asked me if he could take care of me forever and he has followed through on that.

What a contrast from my last blog, lesson good and bad days come and go quickly.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finally an End to This Day

I slept like crap last night and today's events didn't help with my mood. Simon and Emma slept no more than 30 min. at a time since 2:00 p.m. they screamed if they weren't being held as well. Since Steven was working pretty much all night grandma came in to rescue me, for the third time today. Emma puked all over her and then smiles. Jake went to bed early tonight for spitting in my face, preceded by many other naughty things. I discovered Julia cut her eyebrows, "Mom it didn't happen today though" OK so your mom is a little slow to notice, she confessed it happened Sunday she did it because, "I thought they were getting to long." I am not talking about getting my eyebrows waxed in front of her anymore. Lois went to bed as scheduled however not before she played in the toilet and when I said, "LOIS!" she put that hand in her mouth. It was "clean" water. So both babes are sleeping before 10:00 and Steven said to me do want to sit and talk to me while I work, that was a big "nope, I am going to bed."

I just have to write these things down so when I think about having another child I can refer back to these days. Good night!

That wasn't me

So Steven decided there should be equality with pictures among our children and posted those pictures. Later we will have a spelling lesson so he can learn how to spell SIMON! I will give him credit for trying to help me out and it was late at nights. Also I can't figure out how to edit pictures and I have a diaper to change so chow for now.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

OK Fine

So now that I know people are actually reading this I will put more posts up.
Easter: Flew by only one major freak out on my behalf which is a great improvement. Steven actually finished painting, well for the most part some touch up work is left. Hey you can never "finish a project" it just isn't right. Steven was on call and had worked the night before so spent most of the time working and sleeping. More than ironic I think he planned it that way. There was no scars on the house and I didn't even have to mop. My mom was on sticky patrol and every hour would walk around with the broom. I think here next job will be at a fair sweeping up people's crap. It was funny everyone (felt like all 30 of us) we jammed in the kitchen dishing up lunch when my mom said "Stop everyone there is a sticky spot" and expected everyone to stand still while she cleaned it up.

Dentist: Today Jake, Julia and I went to the dentist. Jacob had lots of questions on the way in, (Julia has been there before) "Like how big are the tools they use?" He was nervous and did great they got a full cleaning done and after he got tons of loot he said, "going to the dentist is fun" the hygienist said, "you just keep thinking that all your life." I didn't fair so well I have four cavities and 7 more starting. It is because of all the puking I did when I was pregnant. OUCH. He started posing suspicious questions, like he thought I had an eating disorder, LOL. Just another toll on my body. Those dang kids better appreciate life! :) On the way home from the dentist the kids and I were jamming to Dora music, even Dora sounds good with a Bose sound system Jacob said, "I like Dora too loud this is fun mom." Teaching them how to blowout eardrums at an early age.

Babies: Simon and Emma no longer like to lay flat they do those pitiful baby crunches and like to sit up however there buts are too round and make us laugh how they slowly fall over. They slept from 10:30 to 8:30 this morning. Ok now it is really hard to feel sorry for me right? After seeing my nephew who is four days younger than the babies I got it good. He screams 75% of the time.

Al Bundy anyone: Lois has her hands in her pants most of the time, taking her pants and her diaper off. GRRR! It is quite the scene, thumb in mouth with pointer finger up the nose and other hand in pants. I guess we need to quit watching Married with Children in front of the kids, just kidding...

Forgive my grammar/spelling errors!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another day

Well another day is done, I took the day off from cleaning and enjoyed my kids. Going to be tonight with a sink full of dishes but they don't mold overnight.

Some more cute things:
Jacob: while on toilet pooping he yells "mom if I am on the toilet do I have to say excuse me when I fart?"

naughty things:
Lois: continues to take her pants off during nap/bedtime and sometime the diaper too. I looked at her today and said harshly, "Lois" she grabbed her diaper and tried to put it back on and said, "no, no, no." This maybe the start of potty training.

Things I am grateful for: I got a shower today and the older kids were awake and I didn't find anyone hurt or in chaos when I got out. AMAZING I know.

catch up

So since my last post went off without a hitch here comes another. The babies are sleeping more on a schedule and burping easier. They are enjoying time in the exasaucer and are easily tickled. Simon likes the interaction of siblings however has a concerned look if he isn't being held by mom while they are talking to him, smart boy.

Well last Friday was my birthday, adult birthdays are no fun. Julia asked me when my friends were coming over, I asked if she was going to do the cooking and cleaning for that one, she looked and me and said "I don't know how to cook." Julia did say to me, "Mom why are you so damn crabby." Learned behavior compliments of her father. I was very crabby some contributing factors were last week was when I should have gone back to work and Steven backed over our triple stroller with the suburban. Brand new used for less than two hours and smashed. I found an ok replacement for cheep through MOM's. However I was jacked about having a stroller with a tray and a cup holder. Oh well I guess my marriage is more important.

Well I have successfully just finished our "night feeding" and Emma is back to sleep. I will put on my resume can type and rock baby with foot simultaneously.

Gotta Love Grandma

So my mom requested that Easter dinner be at my house for the benefit of her stress level. After I reluctantly said yes she said "oh why did I even think to ask someone with 5 young kids" Here is what I get out of the deal, her help with a clean house, not having to pack up 5 ruggers and the updating of the house I have been wanting to do. Entertaining really lights fire under the butt to do projects. Steven is painting like a mad man. I have cleaned in places that haven't been touched in over 4 years. We really are pigs. I am such a cleaning mode I have set aside food and laundry. Hey what is wrong with eating chicken nuggets and fries daily if I give the kiddos vitamins. So for the last how many weeks my mom has been coming over daily to help clean, allow me to shower or just socialize with me some days I am as happy as a puppy to see her. My kiddos to, you know on Cheers how Norm would walk in and everyone would say "Norm" well that is how it is with grandma and it doesn't matter how often they see her. Well it is getting to be my bedtime. I really need to retrain myself to go to bed earlier however I like starting the day at 9:00 a.m.
Later folks!