Saturday, April 12, 2008

Colds and coughs

So we all have colds, I have successfully kept mine at bay however with lack of sleep I feel it coming on. Simon and Emma are pitiful, Emma coughs like a smoker and Simon has lost his voice, his cry is easier to listen to now but very said. He was doing a muted coo today. Poor guy. Jacob has a very runny nose and for heaven's sake I forgot to bring Kleenex to church tonight so I look over and he has used his black sleeve as one and has snot all over his face. I use the rest of his shirt to finish the job off as I am cringing wondering who is watching. Jacob said, "Mom why are you doing this when we can't do it at home." I was thinking son it is called desperation.

Oh another thing happened in church, at the sign of peace Lois bit Jacob, no peace there!

My kiddos last week went on a nap strike. On Friday I even attempted to put them down for a second nap, when Jake was up for only a couple hours and spent most of the time in time-out and lost toys/mater blanket. I knew it was my sanity or him. At least it bought me some time to regroup. Sometimes I feel like I am at war and just need to retreat to get my ducks in a row.

I got my eyes checked last week, even more blind. As I sat in the exam chair I noticed the apparatus had make-up all smudged all over it, I kept my millimeter distance and compulsively wiped my face afterwards. I wasn't going to say anything the guy was the age of my grandpa and was very sweet, he probably looked it as an immune system building experience. I get my new glasses next Thursday and successfully got what I wanted with anti-reflective lenses for under $200.

My sister who has twins called today and she reminded me it is all state of mind, so even during my bad moments I just need to remember, "Summer while come soon enough or I can eat tons of chocolate later."

Well Steven stayed home all day with us, wahoo! It was like a holiday, actually better because he didn't work an ounce. After three weeks of main communication being e-mails and phone calls I got my day. Now everyone is asleep and it is my turn.

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