Thursday, March 19, 2009

Still Pregnant

Yes, I am still pregnant at 37 weeks today I am frustrated that they stopped labor twice now this baby won't come out. Just a lot of contractions that pick up to be as close as 5 min apart and then tapper off. UGH! These contractions have been going on for 3 weeks now. Oh well just another reminder I am not in control and in all reality I really would rather be pregnant and uncomfortable than have a baby in the NICU.

So on a lighter side last night after I was asleep I am awakened by Lois who is naked and wants help getting jammies back on, this is good she has stripped before and not asked for help and wet the bed, now I ask her were her diaper is and she said, "it hurting my butt" so I get a new one on and get her jammies back on and send her on her way. This morning twice she complained about her butt hurting and I take her to the bathroom to see if she poops. No poop. Then she asks for some butt cream and I think oh she is sore. I pull her pants down to find two small specks of blue toothpaste on her butt. No wonder why she was complaining. Then I say Lois did you put toothpaste on your butt? "yeah last night" mystery pain solved. Poor girl but she will never do that again.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ready or Not

Well earlier than I anticipated we may have a baby. For the second time yesterday I went in to have contractions stopped. After tomorrow they will just let me go. The downside or is it an upside since I was in the hospital last night by the time I was discharged interstate was closed we tried taking the back roads but quickly realized that was not wise. Luckily my husband scored us a healthy discount at a local hotel who is one of his customers. So now we are both hanging out stranded again for another night. Interestingly enough a few items that I wished I had right now I thought about packing but said, "nah I won't need them" should have taken that gut feeling a little more seriously. However I did wish to spend more time with him and I guess we should be careful what we wish for. So currently we both have laptops and watching TV as I am continuing to have contractions however I am taking it easy until tomorrow then it is free game at the early age of 36 weeks gestation. I will keep you posted as things develop but keep in mind I will be a busy mother of SIX!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Maintance Mode

Knock on wood we are still healthy, we have stopped sanitizing the pews at church now that we think we are safe. I just wonder if our immune systems were just bogged down they could never fully recover. Well just in time because it is about a month away until we bring home baby. So the count down begins with an endless amount of time spent in the basement locating clothes and organizing the existing clothes we are on our way of being ready. As some of you know Catholics pray to saints for a little extra help in what area of speciality that saint is know for. Well St. Anthony is know for finding missing things and we gave him a workout. There were a half a dozen things I was looking for and I found them all in a half hour. Things like a car seat cover and Julia just walked up to me and handed it to me. Needless to say I was amazed. In a couple more weeks I will have another ultrasound to see the size of this baby and to see the density of my c-section scar then we will know more about when this bun will be done.

This last week Simon started walking, finally! Now Emma is getting more brave and struggles with he bro stealing the show. Peer pressure can be a good thing.

Right now my mom has Julia and Steven has Lois and Jacob "going for a drive" to scope out a new town they may be hooking up with Internet access. I am besides myself as to what to do. Simon and Emma are definitely enjoying the quiet time they are playing with vigor and alone.