Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maintance Mode

Well nothing major has happened to write about, there is the same old stuff. Julia pretending like non other, Jacob being naught most of the time and Lois pitching fits. Simon and Emma are just hanging out, loving to be held, dang they like attention.

Tonight Jacob licked Lois' butt cheek in the tub and I scolded him his response, "what it is clean." Stuff like that happens all the time around here. However I must say this week there are more and more "boring" moments. Which is a good thing, it gives me a breather and then I just wait five minutes and there is trauma to deal with.

Well my running around the house like a mad women is paying off, I am now fitting into my "skinny" jeans. Which to me is an oxymoron because skinny means size 1/2 or 3/4. Gotta start somewhere. For those of you that don't know prior to having the twins I worked hard to loose weight, dropped 15 pounds and went down a size. I enjoyed that new size for 2 weeks and then found out I was pregnant. Little did I know I would be back there a year later. Hopefully the downward trend continues.


1 comment:

Susan Horvick said...

Good for you!! I am trying my best to lose a ton or two myself. It isn't easy with kids.