Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gotta Love Grandma

So my mom requested that Easter dinner be at my house for the benefit of her stress level. After I reluctantly said yes she said "oh why did I even think to ask someone with 5 young kids" Here is what I get out of the deal, her help with a clean house, not having to pack up 5 ruggers and the updating of the house I have been wanting to do. Entertaining really lights fire under the butt to do projects. Steven is painting like a mad man. I have cleaned in places that haven't been touched in over 4 years. We really are pigs. I am such a cleaning mode I have set aside food and laundry. Hey what is wrong with eating chicken nuggets and fries daily if I give the kiddos vitamins. So for the last how many weeks my mom has been coming over daily to help clean, allow me to shower or just socialize with me some days I am as happy as a puppy to see her. My kiddos to, you know on Cheers how Norm would walk in and everyone would say "Norm" well that is how it is with grandma and it doesn't matter how often they see her. Well it is getting to be my bedtime. I really need to retrain myself to go to bed earlier however I like starting the day at 9:00 a.m.
Later folks!

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