Thursday, April 2, 2009

He is here

I slept restless last night and woke up with contractions every 3-5 min apart at 6:00 a.m. now keep in mind I have been having daily contractions since the beginning of March so I was waiting for them to tapper off. I gave the kids breakfast, fixed there hair and folded some laundry. During that time I did call labor and deliver and told them I may be coming in, called my mom who was planning on coming in around 9:00 and asked her to come an hour earlier just because I may not make it that long. I was not convinced I was having a baby until they put the name band on me. It was 3 hours of very intense contractions then at 1:42 Andrew Michael came to this world weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20.75 inches. Everything went well. No c-section and a very healthy boy who lets you know when he is hungry and already likes to snuggle. No joke I have tried to lay him down a few times and he cries instantly. Well kids more over because there is a baby on the block who loves his mama.