Thursday, March 19, 2009

Still Pregnant

Yes, I am still pregnant at 37 weeks today I am frustrated that they stopped labor twice now this baby won't come out. Just a lot of contractions that pick up to be as close as 5 min apart and then tapper off. UGH! These contractions have been going on for 3 weeks now. Oh well just another reminder I am not in control and in all reality I really would rather be pregnant and uncomfortable than have a baby in the NICU.

So on a lighter side last night after I was asleep I am awakened by Lois who is naked and wants help getting jammies back on, this is good she has stripped before and not asked for help and wet the bed, now I ask her were her diaper is and she said, "it hurting my butt" so I get a new one on and get her jammies back on and send her on her way. This morning twice she complained about her butt hurting and I take her to the bathroom to see if she poops. No poop. Then she asks for some butt cream and I think oh she is sore. I pull her pants down to find two small specks of blue toothpaste on her butt. No wonder why she was complaining. Then I say Lois did you put toothpaste on your butt? "yeah last night" mystery pain solved. Poor girl but she will never do that again.

1 comment:

Alphabet Family said...

Amazing what kids will do to fix their own owies!