Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Paging Dr. House

I know my last post has only had to do with being sick well lets just keep up that theme. We have continued to be sick. Julia with round 5 of pink eye prompted a visit to the opthamologist resulting in knowledge of an infection in the eye lid, no more pink eye but eye hygiene for 4-6 weeks twice a day, UGH!

As for me had a fever starting Saturday night and peeked yesterday at 104.2, I called the hospital and had them page the on call doctor who happened to be my doctor, he said it was strange because I had no other real symptoms and reassured me I was not cooking a baby. With the weather being so crappy I couldn't get in until this afternoon today. After an almost 3 hour visit I left with an antibiotic. On the way into the clinic I prayed that I would be served with a competent gal. The only appointment available in the whole system was a PA who did occupational health, I figured it was better than the walk-in. It was when I got there I felt like a patient of Dr. House off the show House. A half hour of questions, what I thought were unrelated. Sleep, appetite, fluid intake. Well crap, crap and crap. After her bringing in a colleague and running many tests and being prodded in every (almost every) orifice they came to the conclusion that it was a sinus infection and bladder infection. In pregnancy UTI's don't always show symptoms. Since it was causing such a high fever I am glad I can't feel it, ouch! Well this may be an answer to prayers because all last week I was having lots of abdominal cramping and pain. I was thinking bed rest time this baby is working its way out, maybe not it was probably the bladder infection. Thanks God I will take that over bed rest. So extra prayers would be nice to ensure I won't have to do bed rest and everything will be fine. Oh the moral of the story is last Wednesday I had an appointment, OB, they always take urine, I canceled it because Steven had plans of finishing a shelf in the basement with a friend, an opportunity then it turned out he couldn't then he was going to clean for me, well not so much either. Stupid move on my part it could have prevented all this. My Nanny Amanda was very frustrated for my stupidity.

Well when it isn't so late I will post more on the kids here is a quick update:
Julia: little helper stepping up to challenges
Jake: Very helpful or very naughty can charm his mommy
Lois: Potty trained when she wants to, she is either screaming or gleaming
Simon: Climbing on everything, can push chairs to reach the sink, silverware drawer and food but, not walking.
Emma: becoming Lois' buddy, not walking, very sweet and rolls with the chaos of the house.

1 comment:

Alphabet Family said...

Sounds like a wondeerful, chaotic life. I hope everyone starts to feel better and stay healthy for you for a while so you can all enjoy Christmas. When is the new baby due? Did you find out what you are having? Have a very Merry Christmas.